Friday, December 26, 2008

A month or so cont...(Read this one second! Scroll down to "A month or so" post. Read it first!)

Presents got wrapped.

Nicholas participated in his class talent show.

Christmas came and was good at the Christensen household!
The boys were excited about all their gifts, but especially about their PSPs.

And Corb was surprised with a new GYTR pipe for his 4 wheeler.
(He is not really sleeping-he just didn't want you to see his tears of joy. ha ha just kidding)

And here it is the day after Christmas and I am so sad for it all to be over. I love the Christmas season and the warmth and busy-ness that comes with it! Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!
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The month or so...

So I have been on a blogging hiatis the last few months. I have been quite busy with my everyday life and have rarely slept let alone had time to blog. I took my last final on December 9th. It was a relief to finally have them over. I did well in my classes and am now the proud recipient of an associates degree in nothing... but that degree in nothing is worth precious points in applying to Weber's program-hopefully enough precious points to get me accepted to the program starting fall '09. So after finals I had been telling myself that I would have so much extra time that I wouldn't know what to do myself... but my mom asked if I would be willing to help out in the Christmas room at Gossner's. The pay is pretty good and how fun it is to make gift baskets and boxes for the holidays-let alone earning a few extra bucks, so I told her I was game. So I was going to school, working at Gossner's during the day, and working at the hospital at night for a couple of weeks and then I was able to drop the going to school part. Here are some pictures to recap the last month or so.

Pretzels got dipped for neighbor gifts. Yummy!

Here are some of the ladies I worked with at Gossner's. (My mom is the cute lady in black)

My baby sister had her new baby boy Milo. (This picture should be first since he was born Nov. 25...)
He is so stinkin' cute I may just have to take him home and keep him for myself!
I absolutely love the smell of new babies. Mmmm!

I finally decorated our tree! (For anyone who knows me this job is usually done the day after Thanksgiving or even sometimes before-if I can convince Corb into bringing it down early! This year it was the weekend after finals before it got done! Corbin and Christopher brought the tree down after Thanksgiving but it just sat undecorated in the front room. Nicholas was getting nervous and finally asked me if I was going to decorate the tree this year or if we were just going to have a "plain" tree. I assured him it would be decorated. He was happy when it was done. He and Christopher both got little trees to have in their rooms this year, which they thought was fun.
(Continue to next post... )

Friday, November 7, 2008


I realize that I am a bit late in posting these, but hey, school and work trumps blogging I guess. Corb and I went as Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky for Halloween. The first pic is of Corb just as he finished the blindfolded "Pinning the syringe on the butt cheek" at a halloween party that we went to hosted by a friend from work.

The boys decided that they didn't want to dress up and go to the Trunk or Treat this year, instead they decided they wanted to go out to dinner and a movie.
On Halloween afternoon when Christopher got home from school, he and some of his friends decided to go trick or treating together. So we quickly figured out a costume for him (he went as a biker dude) and took him in to meet up with his friends. Corb, Nicholas and I went to a delicious dinner at Chili's and to see "Dark Night". Dinner was great, but the movie seemed to drag on FOREVER! The 3 of us were quite happy when it finally ended.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Double tag lists!!!!

Where is:

Your cell phone? On my bedside table.

Your significant other? Just got home from work.

Your hair? Freshly washed and fixed! (but seriously in need of a trim and color)

Your mother? Not home... Christopher is down leaf-blowing her lawn.

Your father? Probably watching Christopher de-leaf their lawn.

Your favorite thing? My boys! (corb-toe-snicker) Family in general.

Your dream last night? That Obama asked Corbin to be his VP and that we had dinner with Barack and Michelle and I was severly under-dressed! (Hoodie and Jeans)

Your favorite drink? Diet Mountain Dew by the truckloads and water (to compensate for all the Dt.Dew)

Your dream/goal? To be done with school.

Babies? 2 boys.

The room you’re in? My craft room.

Your hobby? Photography.

Your fear? My kids or spouse dying.

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Completely debt free! (We have 6 yrs left to pay on our house)

What you’re not? Fake.

Muffins? Love them!

One of your wish list items? 4-door Rubicon Jeep Wrangler. (Black and lifted of course)

Where you grew up? Beautiful Downtown Benson

The last thing you did? Fold laundry

What are you wearing? Hoodie

Favorite gadget? SLR camera.

Your pets? Dodger the dog and Warren Beta our fish-(it's a beta...)

Your computer? Laptop.

Your mood? Happy.

Missing someone? no.

Your car? Honda Accord.

Something you’re not wearing? Shoes (only worn if absolutely necessary-ever).

Favorite store? Tai Pan.

Like someone? Lots of someones-I love people (at least the ones that don't totally bug me).

Your favorite color? Black -duh.

Last time you laughed? today.

Last time you cried? Idon't remember....

All AbouT My HusbanD.....
1. Where did you meet? At Leisa's Drive In.

2. How long did you date before you got married? 3 months.

3. How long have you been married? 14 1/2 years!

4. What is your favorite feature of his? His eyes and calves (YUM-Super HOT!)

5. What is your favorite quality of his? His sense of humor.

6. Does he have a nickname for you? Babydoll or Linus.

7. What is his favorite color? Green.

8. What is his favorite food? A good New York steak or Fredrico's Pizza.

9. What is his favorite sport? Baseball.

10. When and where was your first kiss? By his truck in his parent's driveway.

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Camp/4-wheeling.

12. Do you have any children? Yep! 2 boys.

13. Does he have a hidden talent? Yeah, but not that I can write about here... ha ha just kidding (or not) But seriously he is an amazing artist but refuses to acknowledge it. !

14. How old is he? He says that he is not old-but "big". (You know like when you were little) He is 36 years big.

15. Who said "I love you" first? He did! In my parent's driveway-it was snowing big fluffy flakes. Very romantic!

16. What is his favorite type of music? Country or rock (what ever he is in the mood for at that time)

17. What do you admire most about him? He is super kind and will do anything for anyone and never expect anything in return.

18. Do you think he will read this? Yeah, he checks up on the blog every now and again.

I am tagging... Everyone who reads this! Ha-then no one gets left out....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


For the UEA posts. Read from the bottom up. I am still quite handicap when it comes to posting pictures!!!

UEA weekend

The three amigos: Juan, Carlos, & El Puppito
(Also known as Christopher, Nicholas, & Dodger)
(Brought to you by Mad Dog Air Nicholas)

Rippin' it up in the "big" pines...
(Christopher yells, "Check this out!" Mom shuts eyes...)

Dancin' with the stars.
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UEA weekend

Gasless in Emigration...

Cut Coke bottle ... $1.25

Pliers ... $12.75

Creating a redneck funnel ... PRICELESS!
The new chainsaw in action.

Freddy Kruger has met his match!
Dodger (our 3 1/2 month old lab) and Nicholas

Can you guess who fetches the best????

White man build big fire....

(or shall we say-will)

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UEA weekend

As some of you know, we bought a camp trailer about a month ago. Since then I have been making it "ours"-you know like purchasing new bedding, kitchen supplies, matching towels for kitchen and bath, throw pillows for the couch and chair, etc... you get the idea. Corb has been working on his own list of making it "ours", the needed accessories from a male perspective: generator, chainsaw, chainsaw sharpener, ax (not just any old ax-but one that will split logs in one blow!), etc. We have been wanting to take it out but it seemed that every weekend with nice weather, I was working. Every weekend I had off, it was crappy weather! I had Fri-Sun off of UEA weekend, so we decided that if I could get Thursday off then we would go no matter what since we had a heater. Needless to say, I was able to get Thursday off from work and being Fall Break I didn't have school that day either! So Thursday morning we're off! The trip was great even with the mishaps we had. Here's a quick recap:

Running out of gas at the top of Emigration ( but at least we made it to the parking lot and weren't stuck on the side of the road.) Who knew the gas gauge in the truck wasn't 100% accurate!

Deciding the wind and snow up Emigration was too cold, so driving 40 or so miles to a new spot.

Disgusting dinner the first night- freezer burned steaks.. Ewww! But hey the rolls were good!

Three, yes that was 3 dead batteries! We learned that even if you climb to the top of the mountain Tmobile doesn't have coverage there. Thank heavens for some friendly campers down the road and their jumper cables. The guys at the battery store were very kind and we are now proud owners of a new battery. The boys were happy that Corb just bought a new battery so that we didn't have to go home early.

Sunshine everyday we were there, even though where we were it was shady ALL day long.

The nights were quite chilly-but the heater worked great!

The boys "ripped" it up on a little mountain trail. They found a log that they jumped over and over again. Christopher even talked me into going down it-although I am not sure you can count mine as a "jump" per say.

There was a great fire pit; it was huge and we had tons of laughs around it.

All in all it was a maiden voyage we'll never forget and a fun family memory. As we kept saying the whole trip... "We're makin' memories!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My boys...

I am still figuring this whole blog thing out.. but I did finally manage how to add pictures! (I am slow... I know) So here you go! These are my two great kids..


Christopher is 13 and is a straight A student. He rocks the baseball field as well as the basketball court. He is fearless on his motorcycle and has no trouble keeping up with his dad. (He has been known to freak his poor mom out with some of the stunts he does!) He is a total kick in the pants! He always keeps me laughing.


This is Nicholas he is 9 years old. He is a total "ham"! I swear that I hardly ever get a serious picture of him. He is in the 4th grade and does awesome in school as well. He is on a competative soccer team and is hoopin' it up in basketball also. He also loves baseball. He also is a motorcycling fool. I never in a million years would have thought that a six year old would worry about how much "air" he got as he went off a jump. Now that he is nine the jumps seem to keep getting bigger and bigger!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blogging roadblock already!

I tried to register at "the cutest blog on the block" and I just keep getting the message that there is an "Error: Error sending e-mail" but I never receive and email explaining what the error is. I am using the same email address as I used to register for the blog. UGH!
Any help or thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Or also, if you know of any where else to make blogs cute.... I love black as anyone who knows me knows, but I would like to spice it up a little! :-)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jumping on the bandwagon

Here goes nothing...
I am officially now on the blogging bandwagon. Thanks to Shel.. she led me, guided me, and walked besided me ... as to the how-to of starting a blog. Thanks SeaShell! So here I am! I will hopefully will post photos this weekend.
I have enjoyed surfing/stalking everyone else's blog, so I now that I am an official blogger-am I still considered a "blog stalker"?